Count Your Blessings!

A simple yet powerful exercise you need to master - write a gratitude list every day. (1:40 min.)

Let Go of Jealousy and Exercise the Power of Gratitude

What can you do your break free form jealousy? Counting your blessings is what I recommend. (4:43 mins.)

Entitlement Pushes Us to Play Small

Entitlement will hold you back from stepping up to your full potential. Here's what you can do to own your greatness. (3:58 mins.)

How Entitlement Affects Us

Are you stuck with "I deserve more" thinking? You can be honest. In this podcast, I discussed how to deal with unmet expectations. (3:26 mins.)

What Drives Envy and How to Deal With it

How do you stop comparing yourself with other people and start focusing on your own path in life? Here are some insights about jealousy. (2:44 mins.)

Stop Playing Small

Are feelings of not being good enough dominate your life? Stop playing small and start reclaiming your power. (2:39 mins.)

Lack of Fair-Exchange Creates Guilt and Shame Within

In this podcast, I talked about how unbalanced fair-exchange can create tension and resistance in your relationships. (2:45 mins.)

Deal With Your Emotions To Be Successful In Money Management

To be truly successful in money management you need to manage your emotions. (1:35 min.)

Lack of Fair-Exchange Undermines Our Financial Happiness

When your fair-exchange system is not balanced, it creates financial guilt and shame. (1:20 min.)

Guilt, Shame & Lack Fair-Exchange Undermines Our Receiving Of Money

The reason why you feel guilt, shame, or resentment around money is because your fair-exchange is not balanced. (02:33 mins.)

Understanding The Law Of Fair-Exchange In Your Path Of Life

How does the law of fair-exchange affect how you perceive money? This is an interesting topic you would to hear. (02:24 mins.)

The Biggest Roadblocks To Financial Happiness - Guilt & Shame

Don’t let past unresolved guilt and shame sabotage your financial future. (03:27 mins.)

The Perception Of Fair Exchange And How It Affects Your Money Decisions

Need help managing your money? Get on top of your finances and on the road to wealth as I explain the law of fair-exchange. (03:03 mins.)

3 Keys To Keep Your Inheritance Money

To make sure you handle your inheritance wisely, avoid common pitfalls like these… (2:21 mins.)

Financial Stress: What Money Does To Your Health

Financial stress is a challenge that many people face, but you can be proactive in dealing with the issue. (1:19 min.)

How Does Financial Stress Affect Our Brain Function?

The ability to recognize, understand, and manage your emotions is a crucial part of life and money management. (2:53 mins.)

What Creates Money Stress?

It’s easy to get caught up in a cycle of spending and worrying. How do you create a more balanced response to your finances? (3:41 mins.)

Do You Want To Be Debt-Free? Here’s How

Put your finances on track. It's time to get out of debt and make your money work for you. (5:29 mins.)

Change Your Mindset From Victim To Victor With This 1 Question

Have your habits, money and relationships stopped growing? It's time to stop being average and start maximizing your life. (1:46 min.)

Important Questions To Ask Yourself To Equilibrate Your Emotions

If you can manage your emotions well, you'll live a happier and healthier life. (2:50 mins.)

Ask These Questions To Change The Trajectory Of Your Future

Asking quality questions is a vital part to move forward in life and build your success. (1:51 min.)

Lack Of Fair-Exchange Undermines Our Financial Happiness

A sense of fair-exchange is crucial to maintain a healthy relationship with money (1:20 min.)

Financial Stress: What Money Does To Your Health

How does financial stress impact your health? (1.19 min.)

Develop Self-Awareness to Decode The Signs of Life

The key to maximise your life's experience is your level of self-awareness. It is the first step to break through challenges and plateaus both in your personal and professional life. (2:34 mins.)

Do Not Impose Your Values On Others

Sometimes, we will only bring more harm than good if we keep on projecting what we think is "right" to other people. (1:27 min.)

Committing to Your Vision

You have a vision, right? Now, is it a true vision or a fantasy... Make sure you are aware of the difference if you don't want to be disappointed. (1:34 min.)

Focus on The Activity Not The Result

Goals are important, but it's not what makes the difference! Instead, focus on this. (1:52 min.)

Understanding The Path & Feedback Systems

We are all on a unique path, our path of purpose... Life gives us signs to help us stay on track. (2:47 mins.)

Why Our Emotions Stay In Our Body

Did You Know? Emotions stay in our body for a reason... Listen to this and find out why. (3:45 mins)

Why Knowing Your True Values Is Difficult

This is what stops people from finding their true values... But there is way! (1:07 min.)

Treat Your Emotions As A Feedback

In this podcast, I’m going to explain why your emotions are a feedback and how you can manage them to level up your life, career and business. (1:06 min.)

You Have Seeds Of Talent In You

Everyone has a unique seed of talent in them. Your life's journey is to see it, appreciate it, and nurture it because everyone is born great. (1:58 min.)

Own Your Greatness And Stop Comparing

Stop comparing yourself to others, you are sabotaging your self-worth (3:42 mins.)